Ponder This

by Kristy Zabel

Boredom Is A Horrible Thing

I am extremely bored right now, even though I have things I could be doing--I don't feel like doing them right this moment. So, I'm getting a head start on my blog for the week. What to write, what to write? I'm kind of at a loss for words, so I think I'll copy Olyvia's good idea by making some kind of random poem out of my name. Here goes nothing...!

K ids are fun to teach.
R eading, writing and arithmetic are...
I nteresting subjects
S o many things to teach in 180 days--so little...
T ime--but we have to use our time wisely.
Y oung people are the future, so we must teach them well.

Z 's can be difficult to find a word for, so I'll skip it, since I'm drawing a blank. :)
A nyone can learn if they try.
B elieving in one's self is key.
E very child needs to know he/she is special and that he/she can learn anything if he/she tries.
L earning can be fun and should be made fun.

Wow--that really stinks, but hey, I suppose it's better than nothing. I'm no poet, and I know it! (That rhymes.) :)

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend! Oh! I just remembered! I got an email today from school saying I won a ticket to the UCF football game on Septeember 15th. Is anyone else going? I don't want to go by myself--that would stink, so I'm seeing if anyone I know is going. Just thought I'd ask. Well, have a good week! :-D


Your name poem was certainly creative! Have you ever written any other kind of poetry before?

No, I'm not going to the game. I won't be here this weekend. Also, we haven't set a date yet because we are somewhat "negotiating" with my parents right now. We've been together for two years, which may not seem long to some, but we knew going into this relationship that this was "it." :) That's exciting about the wedding you are able to go to next summer! I can't wait to start planning!