Ponder This

by Kristy Zabel

Can't We All Just Get Along?

I don't know if you girls keep up with the news or not, but have you heard the story about the "Jena 6"? In case you haven't, here's the story.......At Jena High School in Louisiana, there was a tree under which white guys were known for 'hanging out.' One day, some of the black students asked administrators if they could go under that tree, and they were told that was fine. Before the black students got under the tree, they saw that a group of white students left nooses hanging in the tree to taunt them. Days later, six black students beat one white student to the point of unconsciousness. The white student, however, had not played a part in the hanging of the nooses. Now, the black community is in an uproar because they say the black students, who are being accused of attempted murder, are being treated unfairly and getting an undeserved, harsh penalty. Since the occurrence, people have protested the treatment of the students, and the infamous tree has been cut down.

First of all, why do we still have idiots who can't accept people just because they are of a different race? The white guys who hung the nooses are stupid--plain and simple. And the black students had a right to be angry and even to confront the whites for their stupidity. But six guys beating one guy until he was unconscious?? That's outrageous--and the fact that the person they beat wasn't even involved?? How does that make sense--even to those who committed the act?

The people who beat the victim should be convicted of attempted murder--I don't care if they're aqua colored with purple polka dots! I find it hard to swallow that some black people would support these thugs just because they are black people who were offended by something other people (not the victim) did. I don't say, "Hey, let so-and-so-white-guy out of jail after he beat up a black person just because he's white, and I am too." I say, PUNISH THE GUILTY. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, as usual, are standing up for the wrong things for the wrong reasons and leading some of the African-American community astray--others, thankfully, think for themselves and know that the black students in this case were in the wrong no matter what.

Violence like that which has occurred in this case should be punished severely. The black students had nothing but hate in their hearts as they kicked one helpless guy until he was out like a light. I also think the white people who put up the nooses should be put in jail for a hate crime. What is wrong with these people? Seriously?!

As for the tree, I don't like when people cut down trees. Couldn't they have just planted flowers all around it, so students couldn't congregate under it? :-P

"Tree Huggers"

Thank God I have my sister to ask what I should write about every now and then! Tonight, she sent me this link to an article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7000991.stm When I read it, I was disgusted.

In case you don't get around to reading the article, I'll give you the gist of what it said. It talked about the Beavan family, who embarked on an "experiment," where they shut off their electricity, used bikes and walking as transportation, quit using toilet paper, and used baking soda, vegetable oil, and the like in order to clean themselves.

I'm in favor of helping the environment, but many of the things Mr. Beavan was having his family do were ridiculous--to the point where I believe his child should have been taken away from him by child protective services. There are those who are interested in things like recycling, and then there are nutty people like the Beavans who go way beyond ridiculousness. Luckily for the Beavans' child, the family "experiment" will not be carried out for the rest of their lives.

I recycle and turn off the lights when I'm not in a room, but I'm not about to stop using soap, toilet paper, refrigeration, and air conditioning for the sake of an "experiment" done to in some minute way to "save the world."

UCF College of Education

After reading Olyvia's most recent blogs about her problems with UCF's College of Education, I figured I'd share my dilemmas about it too, since I can't think of anything else to write about tonight.

Well, UCF has let me down in one way or another every semester I've been here. I swear they try to keep you at this place until you're old and on the verge of death. Often times the classes I needed were full, and they wouldn't let me enroll, so I would either have to try to get an override or pray that the class would be available the next semester.

The College of Education specifically is awful about informing students of what they must do for the program. For probably four to five semesters, I mysteriously had to get overrides into classes even though they WEREN'T full, and then someone finally said, "Oh, well, you're still listed as Education Pending." Well, what do you know? Nobody noticed that and called it to my attention for several semesters?! What's the problem?!

The advisors (or at least the two that I've had) STINK. They never seemed to know what the heck was going on or what I needed to do. Why are they hired to do something they do not and apparently cannot do? It just doesn't make any sense to me.

And now, because of all the fooling around and messing up UCF has done to my classes and scheduling, I am being forced to graduate a semester late! I went to the office last week to get my internship 2 application signed, even though I knew I still had to take 2 more classes (which I wanted to, tried to, and should have been allowed to enter earlier in past semesters but couldn't because UCF messed everything up...) I figured they would let me do the classes during internship 2. But nooooo. It turns out, that they want me to take the 2 classes I'm missing and a surprise third class BEFORE internship 2. So, this means, I won't get to graduate on time in spring 2008 like I had hoped and tried so desperately to do. I'll have to take the 3 classes (and probably a fourth one to keep my Bright Futures scholarship) during spring 2008 and wait until fall 2008 to do my last internship! I am sooo sad, frustrated, and mad about the whole situation--even though there is nothing I can do now. I've tried so hard to fight against the program that has sabotaged me so many times, but it looks as though they won.

Anyway, THIS MESSES UP EVERYTHING! I was sooo upset when they wouldn't let me take the classes with internship 2. I really can't wait to be rid of this school--not only because it's terrible and many of the classes treat us like we're elementary school kids, but also because I AM PASSED READY TO BEGIN TEACHING! I can't wait! And now that I'll be graduating in the fall, I'm pretty sure that will dash my hopes of getting hired at the school of my choice, since it will be in the middle of the school year.

So thanks, UCF, for ruining so much for me. I'm praying that God will make something good of what I consider to be a real bummer--for lack of a better word. :-/ I could definitely use your prayers for patience!

Classical Music's Effects on Children

My last blog featured me spouting off about the negative effects of the "hip-hop culture" and entertainment on young people today. Now, I will move on to something that has a positive effect on children's minds - classical music. Keep in mind, if you will, that the following will be from my own random thoughts, research that I have heard via news articles and/or classes I've taken, and from my own experience. (Therefore, I cannot cite things, since I do not remember where I heard the research--I'm thinking it might have been from Yahoo articles and textbooks???)
I have heard (somewhere) that studies have shown that classical music does wonders for students. It somehow stimulates their brain and allows them to think clearly, focus, and sometimes even perform better academically. Not only do I think it is wise and beneficial to expose children to something that could have such a positive impact, but I also believe that exposing them to different forms of musical genres is good for them - especially to those whom have a musical mindset (Gardner's Eight Multiple Intelligences.)

My very own experience with the positive effects of classical music began when I was in third grade. During handwriting, my teacher would put on a tape of Beethoven or Mozart, and I remember really enjoying that time of writing. I somehow felt very calm and relaxed, and I seemed to focus well with the music playing in the background. Music effects mood as well as academic progress. It would seem to me, then, that teachers would want to encourage students to listen to classical music during class time (and even at home) and use it to help themselves.

Classical music is not only beautiful, calming, and good for the brain, but it is also a simply wonderful alternative to the many inappropriate songs one can hear on the radio today, and that is why I plan to make it an integral part of my future classroom.