Ponder This

by Kristy Zabel

"Tree Huggers"

Thank God I have my sister to ask what I should write about every now and then! Tonight, she sent me this link to an article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7000991.stm When I read it, I was disgusted.

In case you don't get around to reading the article, I'll give you the gist of what it said. It talked about the Beavan family, who embarked on an "experiment," where they shut off their electricity, used bikes and walking as transportation, quit using toilet paper, and used baking soda, vegetable oil, and the like in order to clean themselves.

I'm in favor of helping the environment, but many of the things Mr. Beavan was having his family do were ridiculous--to the point where I believe his child should have been taken away from him by child protective services. There are those who are interested in things like recycling, and then there are nutty people like the Beavans who go way beyond ridiculousness. Luckily for the Beavans' child, the family "experiment" will not be carried out for the rest of their lives.

I recycle and turn off the lights when I'm not in a room, but I'm not about to stop using soap, toilet paper, refrigeration, and air conditioning for the sake of an "experiment" done to in some minute way to "save the world."