Ponder This

by Kristy Zabel

Happy Halloween!

Well, Halloween is over now because it's 1:30 on Thursday morning, but HAPPY HALLOWEEN anyway! Hehehe Wow...it's soooo late, and I don't really have anything to blog about right now. Hmmm... I suppose I'll do a Halloween poem. Again--I'm not really a poem person, but I resort to it on here when I'm at a loss for words. :-P :)

There was an old witch who flew at night,

And she happened to have bad eyesight.

She'd barely miss running into stuff,

So soon she decided she'd had enough.

She put down her broom - she thought for good,

But decided she'd fix her eyes if she could.

She stirred up a brew with hopes it would work.

When she drank the concoction, her ears perked.

But her eyes were no better, she still could not see,

So she tried one more time - adding mud to her tea.

Once she drank it, she could see all around.

Only problem was now, she couldn't hear a sound.

Oh, my....That was cheesy, random, weird, and appropriately scary for this holiday. :-/ Oh well. Happy Halloween! :)


That may have been cheesy... but I loved it! I laughed. :) I am sure young children would LOVE this poem on Halloween, I am not a child and I did. Good job!