Ponder This

by Kristy Zabel

Inappropriate Ads

These days, there are inappropriate ads everywhere you go. Whether it's a pop-up on the internet, a billboard on a busy highway, a television or radio commercial, or something in newsprint - it is hard to go one day without seeing some kind of disturbing or disgusting advertisement.

When I open my Yahoo email account, it has a disgusting 'character,' who is bloody and zombie-like, and the sight of him just makes me sick, which, I suppose, is the point of the ad. It's for a "Howl-o-scream" event at Busch Gardens or some place like that. And yesterday, I saw a billboard with the same disgusting person on it. If it disturbs me, I can only imagine how some children might react. Then again, they might be desensitized to things like that, so maybe it doesn't even bother them anymore. Isn't it sad that children have lost their innocence and naivety?

My sister Jill told me about one ad that featured gross (and I would go as far as to say porn-like) pictures of people on a billboard somewhere, and it said, "Life's short. Get a divorce." Days after it was first posted, the law firm that put it up had many people coming in to get a divorce. It was later taken down because people complained about the images on the sign. Here's the link, so you can see for yourself:
http://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/LegalCenter/Story?id=3147979 Like FOX News says, "We report-- you decide."

There are signs galore on the interstate advertising strip joints and other disgusting places, television commercials for problems people should share with their doctor--not me, late-night TV commercials for "hooking up" with some creepy stranger, and the list of examples goes on and on. Why is this filth allowed to be shown to and paraded in front of the population--and to youth people especially? Like the people outraged about the divorce billboard, we should stand up and call for the removal of tasteless things we see. I know society has become accepting of so much, but I think it is past time we label the ads as the immoral, disgusting ads that they are.

Whatever happened to family-friendly ads? I don't need (nor do I want) drugs, promiscuity, alcohol, obscenities, and violence used to sell me something. I prefer ads with professionalism, intelligence, good taste, and clean humor--not to mention ads featuring people who are dressed. Is that so hard to ask?


Ads are becoming more and more appauling. Now parents have to worry about driving down the road in fear that their child might see an inappropriate, or disgusting billboard like you saw. It is crazy what people think is "okay" now days. Good post!


So funny you should mention the disgusting ads, but there are also way too many "private issues" aired, also. Try having a 7 yr old son asking you about a Tampax commercial. OR a boy from Nigeria watching a commercial for erectile dysfunction medicine; no matter how tastefully it's done, it is still embarassing to me. If the companies want to pay big bucks to have these types of commercials aired, then I think it should be done after 9 pm when young kids are in bed. Sex and bad language are found at all hours of daytime TV programs now. IT's a very sad commentary on how our country is sinking into moral depravity. IT's also very scary. Other countries just laugh at us or disdain us, unfortunately with good reason.


This is so very true: