Ponder This

by Kristy Zabel

Birth Control for Eleven Year Olds?

I read an article about a middle school offering birth control to its female students. When I read the title of the article, I was like...you've GOT to be kidding me. But it was no lie--a school in Maine is actually going to do that. Here's the link: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/18/us/18portland.html?ex=1350360000&en=7fb352244936243a&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss

First of all, whose idea was that? I know that society's morals have plummeted to extremely low standard as a whole, but do we really have sexually-active eleven year olds? I don't believe we do! So, we don't need to be giving contraceptives to middle schoolers. Can't they keep their innocence a bit longer? A school providing birth control is not only inappropriate for the age group, but it's also not the job of the school to hand out such things.

I was offended when, at the University of Central Florida's orientation, they took us incoming freshmen to a room, and said, "Here are a whole bunch of free condoms. Have at them." Not only was I disgusted, but I was angry because---were we supposed to be going to college to engage in immoral acts with people we're not married to or to get an education? I don't know about you, but I'm sick of being lectured on 'safe' things to do---JUST DON'T DO IT, PEOPLE, and quit talking to me about it!

I think people have lost focus. School is for teaching and LEARNING--it's not a place where we offer contraceptives to young people who shouldn't be involved in such a lifestyle.


I know! I could not believe it when I heard about it on t.v. I literally stood there with my mouth open listening to it! They are still babies in my opinion! I mean come on, they are 11 years old! Jeez. It seems like society is in such a rush for children to grow up nowadays, and with that the innocence is disappearing too. :( What happend to people's morals?


I saw that article, too, and I was appalled. It's bad enough that the school is offering it, but what's wrong with the people in the town accepting it? Shouldn't they be having fits and marching on campus or something? Is that their answer for teen pregnancy- push the birth control on kids who shouldn't even be doing it? I am very tired of people just sitting back and thinking that everyone should be having sex- that's it's a norm now. That's baloney, or it should be. People need to start smacking their kids and telling them to straighten up. A girl in my high school class came up to me today. She's been very sick in her first trimester. She told me she wouldn't be sick anymore because she "got rid of it" last Friday. I told her she looked awful and I was sorry. What did she want me to say? Congratulations? American Society is very depressing.