First of all, I have to say, I find it so strange when people don't like their siblings. I can't imagine my life without my siblings! I actually have three older half brothers and one older half sister, but to keep it simple and uncomplicated, I'm going to stick with talking about the siblings with whom I share my Mom and my Dad. (My Dad was married and divorced before he married my Mom, so that's the background info.) :)
I have an older sister Jill, a younger sister Brittany, and the baby in the group is my brother Gregory (Greg). So, I am a middle child...kinda--since I share that spot with Brittany. We are each about three years apart--Greg is about three & a half years younger than Brittany. So now that I have you thoroughly confused and bored, I will move on to what makes them special to me. :)
Jill, being the oldest of the four, has always been the protector and 'mother hen' if you will of all of us younger kids. She and I have fond memories of playing travel agent, beach party, restaurant, and so much more as children. She is one of my best friends ever. She has always been there for me--encouraged me, laughed with me, occasionally laughed at me, and helped me with all sorts of things. Even though we're three years apart, we are so close that we say that we are twins but that one of us was born a year and a half early and the other a year and a half late. I have always looked up to the great example she provides. We have a great relationship--one that I deeply cherish. She is currently getting her Masters at Georgetown University, and so she lives and works in D.C. It's hard having her live so far away. Her visits home are few in number and don't come often enough, but we keep in touch by phone, email, and instant messaging.
Then, there's Brittany. Brittany Brittany Brittany. She is quite a character. :) She is a lot of fun to be around; she comes up with the strangest things to say sometimes--we just have to laugh. It's hard not to smile when she's around. When we were kids, I used to force her to play school with me. I complained often to my parents because she didn't want to sit still and listen. :) She is a very friendly, accepting, 'bubbly' person, and she cheers me up when I'm down or bored or what-have-you. She is my best friend too. (I don't have just one best friend because they're all the best.) She is always there for me also, and I wish she were here right now making me laugh as I blog. She recently left for her first year at the University of Florida, so I'm the only girl (besides my Mom) at the house now, but she gets to visit pretty often, since she's so close---so that's a good thing. :)
With Jill and Brittany gone, I'm left with Greg. :) He's great too. He's my big little brother. :) I remember when he came home for the first time as a cute little baby---now he's taller than me! He's only 14, but because he's so tall, people often think he's my boyfriend. I'm like, nooooo, people--he's my brother! :) Anyway, he is a very talented musician. He's in both the marching band and jazz band at school, and I get 'jazzed up' about his performances. (Pardon the pun.) ;) But it is so cool to see what he can do with the guitar especially (he plays trumpet and piano too). It blows me away. Besides being talented (as all my siblings are with different things), Greg is just a good guy. He is a caring, loyal, trustworthy best friend. I know that I can count on him for his support, and I value his opinions. He's the best little brother.
So, that's all I can really squeeze into 20 plus minutes of blogging about my siblings. I am WAY over the time limit right now. Oops! Really, I could spend weeks talking about them, but I have other homework to do. :) The moral of the story (that is my life) is that I love my siblings!!! :-D They are the best, and they are irreplaceable to me. I would NEVER trade them for anyone else and would NEVER want to be an only child. My siblings provided me with 'built in' best friends, entertainment, love, and support. God blessed me with three wonderful siblings, and for that I am very grateful.
Aw! Awesome post! I loved the pictures. That is really great that you love your siblings so much. Family is such a wonderful thing. :)
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