Ponder This

by Kristy Zabel


Well, it's about time I blogged! I just got back from a great trip to the Dominican Republic--my first time off the North American continent. :) I decided that I would blog about one of the things I experienced while I was there--just because I think it's an important thing to cover at least once in my blog. I'll begin with a question...

Do I look like a dog or a cat?

In America, some men whistle when they spot a
woman they think is attractive. Isn't whistling done to get a dog's attention? In the Dominican Republic, the men do some sort of hissing or clicking noise--accompanied by enough English to get the message across to me that they are desperate pigs. Isn't that clicking noise used to get a cat's attention? According to the tour guide book, Dominicans do that in their culture (although I've had this problem in America too). I want to know why it is a part of any culture. Where did the idea of women being like meat come from? I'm curious (George). Every male comes from a woman, and I'm sure that their mothers did not teach them to treat women like that, so what the heck?!

Also, I would like to know what kind of reaction those men are expecting to get from me. Do they expect me to run over and give them a big smooch on the lips? Do they think I'm going to smile, and whistle right back at them? Do they think I'm going to give them a lap dance or something? Whatever it is they are imagining is not going to happen--so why bother, guys? I don't understand the thinking or lack thereof that is occurring in their minds.

I'm not a streetwalker or mindless bimbo, so don't treat me like I have no respect for myself or like there is no reason for me to have your respect. Sure, I know it's natural to 'check people out' and acknowledge the outer beauty they may exhibit, but can't it be done tastefully? Yes--I know it can--I've done it. Ok--so that problem is solved. Let's try it then, guys! Have some respect---both for the women you see and for yourselves for cryin' out loud.

I know today's culture (seemingly everywhere) portrays chauvinism as an okay thing. Examples: music industry, commercials for just about anything, movies, (so basically --Hollywood--)... I think it's time for upstanding women AND men to put an end to this acceptance. People, tell your kids to treat others with respect, so we can stop this ridiculousness!!!

Ahhh...sometimes it just feels good to vent!


I agree! But I also want to read more about what else you experienced and learned in the DR. :)


I so agree. And it needs to stop here in this country too. The only way to do that is to teach our young children from the time they are able to understand. It's called basic respect for all. Really not near as hard to teach as potty training. But we potty train every young child. Hmmmm. Just my opinion.